Receive Abundant Blessings


Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

“Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” (John 16:2

 I greet you in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Today’s promise is taken from John 16:24. The Lord says, “Ask and you will receive and your Joy will be complete.” This is a very beautiful promise verse. You have to just ask God. For whatever you need, you do not have to beg other people for help. Go to Jesus and I ask Him. You will receive abundant blessings in a complete manner. According to I Corinthians 1:5-6, you will receive God’s abundant blessings, spiritual truth, wisdom and knowledge. You will be enriched in everything by the Lord. According to Jeremiah 31:25, the Lord will refresh the weary and sorrowful soul. All your sorrows will be turned into joy. The lord will give you all blessings in plenty.

In the Bible, we read about a man who was paralyzed and lying by the pool of Bethesda for a really long time of 38 years. The pool of Bethesda was stirred by angels every now and then and whoever would get into the pool first after the angel stirred it was healed. This man was bedridden and had been there with no one to help him; but maybe in the innermost part of his heart, he thought about God. Therefore, Jesus went near him at the right moment and healed him completely. He became a new man. (John 5: 1-9).
In the same manner, if you ask the Lord today, you will receive and your joy will be complete. Others may not know your needs, but God knows everything you need. However, God wants you to ask Him. Asking is prayer; prayer is talking to God. You can do that my beloved friend. You will receive all God’s blessings in an abundant manner.

My loving heavenly Father,
I thank you for all your love towards me. Because you have promised that if I ask it will be done, I ask for your complete and abundant blessings. Bless me with good health, prosperity and spiritual truth. I thank you for hearing my prayer.

In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.