Great Honour is on your way

Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran
“Instead of your shame you shall have double honor”. (Isaiah 61:7)
The Bible comforts us according to the verse “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3). Jesus came to this earth to take away your reproach and shame. You may be crying out as you are lonely and are sorrowful over your situation. But remember, Lord Jesus Christ took away your shame and dishonor, by sacrificing Himself on the cross for you. If people are casting aspersion on you, you have to look to the cross and be encouraged as Jesus says “cheer up I have taken your reproach, shame and dishonor”. He will grant you double portion of honor.

I had a good friend. He worked as one of the higher official in the government. He was skillful in his work and carried out all his assignments with diligence. But he woudn’t work on Sundays, rather he would attend church and was an active member of his congregation. Few people who observed this, wrote a letter against him to the higher-ups. As a result, he was suspended from his work. This made him heartbroken and he passed his days in much sorrow. But one day, his higher authorities called him and set up a meeting with him. He was fearful, thinking he would lose his job. To his surprise, he was handed over an official letter which read about his promotion and not his termination. Also, he was congratulated of being a person of integrity. The official told him to continue the work he was doing in the church and nobody will bother him again.

How true is God’s Word! Instead of his shame, he received a double portion of honor. Cheer up! That same double portion of blessings and honor is on your way. Stop living in dejection and sorrow but rejoice for the wonder God is going to work in your life. When you are faithful in all your work and in your walk with God, He will deliver you from your problems, will bless you beyond measure and will exalt you before others. You will bear a testimony to His name. As stated in the Bible “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth” ( Deuteronomy 28:1).


Loving Heavenly Father, I thank you for Your promising and comforting Words. Bless me,Lord and grant me a double portion of honor. Irrespective of my unpleasant situation, help me to follow Your statutes. I believe You will answer my prayer and grant me days of success and happiness.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

** This message was taken from a meeting held in Karnataka