Be Blessed Forever in Christ Jesus – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“Surely You have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of Your presence.” Psalm 21:6

My precious friend, today’s promise is taken from Psalm 21:6 which says, “Surely You have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of Your presence.” This promise of God is for every man and every woman. Indeed, the Lord Jesus has granted UNENDING BLESSINGS to you. In one translation of the Bible, John 1:16 says that we receive one blessing after another through the fullness of Jesus Christ. Accordingly, the Lord Jesus is full of blessings – Godly blessings! Divine blessings! 

Jesus became a curse on the cross so that through His sacrifice, He can bring blessing after blessing into your life, as you open up your heart to Him and receive Him. He went through death by becoming a curse. But Jesus rose up on the third day. Yes! He is alive as the resurrected Jesus! And when He fills your heart, one blessing after another will follow you. Deuteronomy 23:5 says, ‘when God’s blessings come into you, every curse is destroyed.’ Of course, we will have tribulations in this world but as the Lord Jesus increases within us, His blessings will overflow and the curses dissolve. Psalm 21:6 also says that the Lord will make you glad with the joy of His presence in your life, at all times.

When my sister, Angel died, we were in utter shock and in tears. We were filled with great sorrow, hopelessness and darkness. We didn’t know what our future was. We didn’t know why God allowed it. But we kept on praying as a family every day to Jesus, crying out for His comforting presence. Two months later, as we were praying in the morning as a family, the Holy Spirit came upon us. The Scripture talks about the joy that is in the Holy Spirit. This same presence of God filled us and we began to laugh and laugh and laugh in the midst of our sorrow. Then Jesus came and His face shined on us. All our darkness left! Our sorrow was turned into joy, at that very moment. After that divine encounter, we never asked questions but just said “Lord, let Thy will be done.” The Lord then filled our lives with blessings upon blessings, making us a blessing to millions of broken-hearted people. May this blessing come upon you also, today. Your life is not finished yet! You will enter into the joy of God’s presence today. You will be adorned with His unending blessings. 

So, enjoy Jesus, my friend!


Loving Lord, Thank You for Your wonderful promise. Thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross for me. You became a curse to make me blessed. You are now living as my resurrected Saviour, willing to bless me with one blessing after another, more than I could ever ask or imagine. Out of Your fullness, Lord, I am forever blessed. Grant me the grace to always enjoy Your presence and be a blessing to those around me. Let there be no darkness found in me for Your light will shine in and through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.