The Power of God’s Word On Your Lips – Samuel Dhinakaran

My friend, today, God is by your side to help you. Wherever you struggle, God is there to make you stand with His strength. His word helps you, according to Deuteronomy 8:3, which says, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

Bread is necessary for our physical strength, but the word of God is essential for our spiritual strength, for the strength of our inner selves. Without it, we will not be willing or strong enough to do anything. We need that strength. The word of God is not ordinary; it’s not just words from a book. In Genesis chapter 1, it is said that God spoke and things were created. He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He said, “Let the waters be separated,” and they were separated. “Let there be a separation between the day and the night,” and it was so. His word has the power to create. So, when God speaks to you, rejoice because His word has the power to create in your life. That’s why Jesus said in John 6:63, “The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” He also said, “I am the bread of life.” I am the word that gives life. Therefore, as you receive the word from God, you are receiving Jesus as that word, and He will work in your life as the word. If you receive Jesus, mighty things will start to happen. 

How can we receive this “word”? We receive it by reading the word of God in the Bible. I believe that the Holy Spirit will fill you and reveal to you what God is speaking to you. Ask Him, and He will show you that word just as we are meditating today. Receive that word, and Jesus will come as that word to bless you on that day. Just as when Moses encountered God while reading the word of God, God said, “Moses, now I will put My words in your mouth to go and speak to the king of Egypt.” He went with the word of God upon his lips. You, too, will go to your work or your ministry with this powerful word of God. It will no longer be you but God speaking through you; God creating through you. It will be a mighty experience, my friend. Live by this word of God. Would you pray for God to give you this experience? 


Dear Lord, I yearn for Your precious word. Your words are alive and active. So, please teach me from the Bible. Precious Holy Spirit, help me to thirst for Your word and receive it diligently in every day of my life. Please work miracles in my life through Your word, and let it operate powerfully as I claim it. Put the right words on my lips and let Your wisdom flow from me. Let supernatural wonders happen as I speak, things I never imagined I could do. Let each word be measured and be powerful in You. Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy and for giving me Your word. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.