Fulfill the desires of God! – Samuel Dhinakaran

“Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you.” (Exodus 20:24)
Dear friend, I feel honored to bring you God’s promise for today which is from Exodus 20:24, “Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you.” Yes, He rejoices over the good that happens to you. His will is to bring good things in your life. In this verse we see that God Himself will be the reason for His name to be honored. Yes, God will enable you to bring honor to His Name.

In what ways can you honor His Name? One way is to glorify His Name through the things He has done. Declare before everyone how God has done great things for you and testify about God’s miracles and wonders being thankful to God. Then God’s Name is honored in that place. Secondly, when you sacrifice something for the Lord to do His desire, even in your relationships as you sacrifice something for your sisters or brothers sake, or for your neighbor making them happy, God is honored in your life.
Yes, when you say to the Lord, “Lord I am doing it for Your glory.” “I will do everything I do for Your glory alone.” “I will live my life only to glorify You,” and surrender to His will, God’s Name is honored. He will be so pleased and He will come and bless you in the same place in that same moment. He will cause His blessing to come upon whichever area you have surrendered to Him. In the same decision in which you honored God, He will honor you. He will make your name great. God’s reward is mighty. Yield your heart to honor His Name and experience the blessing that follows.
Loving Father,

Thank You for Your promise that You will teach me to honor You Lord. Thank You for You will cause Your Name to be honored through me. Give me strength to fulfill Your desires alone and to fulfill Your will so that I bring You glory.

 In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.