Step into God’s wondrous works – Samuel Dhinakaran

“May Your deeds be shown to Your servants, Your splendor to their children.” (Psalm 90:16)
Dear friend, today God has a wonderful promise for you which is from Psalm 90:16, “May Your deeds be shown to Your servants, Your splendor to their children.” Are you able to find the gem hidden in this verse, my friend? The Psalmist says, “May Your works be shown to Your servant Lord!” God says, “The Lord is going to reveal His marvelous works in your life.” This promise is for you.

When God works, it will not be in the same way in which man works.  It is not natural rather it is supernatural and tremendous. In the city of Erode in 2003, there was tremendous rain and there was no way in which any event could be conducted. But a prayer festival of Jesus Calls had to happen that day. Even as the rain was trying to stop the meeting was in process, my father rose up and he prayed to the Lord saying, “Stop this rain Lord. Have mercy on Your children. Come and do Your miracles right now.”
Then amazingly the rain stopped and God showed His marvelous works to His servant. What a wonder it was! The rain stopped! Isn’t it amazing my friend? You will see such signs and wonders in your life also. Are your children doubting the Lord? Are they saying that they are not in the same belief and faith?” His splendor through His works will be revealed to your children also. They will truly see it and they will be moved. Claim these marvelous works right now by holding on to this verse.   
Loving Father,

Step into my problems, my obstacles, the lack in my life, my needs and perform Your marvelous works right now. Lord, I claim this promise. Reveal Your works to me – Your Servant and let it be a splendor-filled sign to me Your child. Let me see You in action.  Let my family praise Your wonderful act. Let Your delivering power come in my midst. Thank You Father.
In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.