Make Prayer Effective – Shilpa Dhinakaran

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)
Hello friend! Today’s promise is taken from James 5:16. This verse says: “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” This is such a wonderful verse of how the Lord blesses the prayer of a righteous person. Today is very special day in Jesus Calls. It was on this day many years ago, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran delivered his first sermon.

When I think about how uncle preaches, I always remember one miracle that happened in one of Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals in Bilaspur. There was young boy, who was about 10-12 years old. He was not able to walk and was brought for the partners’ prayer meet. When my uncle and aunt, Dr. Paul and Sis. Evangeline Paul, placed their hands over him and prayed, a miracle happened. The very next day, the little boy came walking to the stage and testified. What a wonderful God we serve! He hears the prayer of a righteous person.
Do you know what you should do in order to be a righteous person? The answer is in Psalm 51:10. It says “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”  This is exactly what you should do. Every day, pray to God asking Him to create a pure heart within you so that you will be a righteous person. Ask God to give you a pure spirit. Then, the Lord will listen to your prayers and will bless your life. Pray the following prayer asking the Lord for a clean heart today.
My loving heavenly Father, thank you for today’s promise word. I pray that you give me this clean heart and pure spirit every day. Lord, I confess that I have sinned many times in my past and present, but you came to this world to wash away my sins and create a pure heart in me. Lord, help me to be so pure that I will be your likeness and I will testify you to the people in this world. Help me to be a righteous person. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.