Honored by God – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“You are precious and honored in my sight.” (Isaiah 43:4)
My precious friend, today’s promise is taken from Isaiah 43:4; “You are precious and honored in my sight.”  God says: “My child you are precious in my sight, so you will have honor.” Yes, God has fearfully and wonderfully made you as said in Psalm 139:14. Many are called, but only few are chosen. You are chosen by God and you are precious to him. When you are precious to God, he honors you.

Mordecai saved the life of King Xerxes, by revealing the two people who had plotted to kill the king. King gave an edict that Mordecai should be put on the king’s horse and taken across the capital city with noblemen proclaiming ‘this is how the king honors a man who is precious to him.’ This is how God will honor you because you are precious to him and you have given your life to Jesus. The same honor, which God has, will be given to you his child. The powers of the devil will bow before you. Whatever you say in the name of Jesus will come to pass. The verse says in Psalm 37:34 “Wait for the LORD and He will exalt you to inherit the land.”

Queen Esther waited for three days and nights with fasting in the presence of God. Then she went to the king to plead for her life and the life of all Jews in the nation. The king, who had issued the edict for them to be killed, had mercy and gave her grace. Instead, the man who wrote this order was killed. Wait for the Lord, and he will exalt you in the land. Psalm 91:15 says when you call on the Lord during times of trouble He will deliver you and honor you. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord in times of trouble is precious to God. Do not try to call on man or your own power but call on the name of the Lord and you will become precious to God. God will honor you by delivering you. The Bible says in Psalm 112:9, when you give liberally to the poor God will honor you. May God give you this grace to become precious to God and to have God’s honor in this world!
My loving heavenly Father,

Thank you for today’s promise word. Give me the grace to become precious in your sight and receive your honor. Let me call upon you during times of trouble and not rely on men or on myself. Let me give liberally to the poor.  Thank you Lord for you are fulfilling this promise in my life.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.