Be the best – Samuel Dhinakaran

“Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:3)
My dear friend, God has a great blessing to give you today. This was also the blessing that came to Jesus Calls earlier this year, and we all praised God. The same blessing is going to come into your life today. It is found in Isaiah 60:3: “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Yes my friend, God is going to shine His brightness and brilliance upon you. This light is going to come and transform your life. What is this light that is going to shine from you? The answer is found in Matthew 5:16, which says “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” In this verse, The Bible says you should show your light that comes through your good works. I call it the ‘light of excellence’ People are going to see that in you.

In the initial years of his life, my grandfather was working in a bank. He would complete his duty in the bank during the daytime and then do God’s ministry in the evening. However, he never neglected his work in the bank. Also, he did his best for the Lord. The light of God shined from him through his work. His performance at work was always par excellence that everybody appreciated him and liked him very much. When his colleagues would come and talk to him, he would tell them the reason for his excellence. He would talk about Jesus.

Similarly, people are going to see the great work that God does in you my friend. Then, you can point your finger to the Lord, who shines His light upon you. Therefore, get ready to show this light of excellence in your life. It is going to draw people who do not know Got towards you. The light is going to bring kings to you. Everyone will insist that there is something special in you. The kings will keep you next to them so that they can also benefit from the light that is in you. Are you ready to receive this light from the Lord? Let us pray.

My loving heavenly Father,

Thank you for today’s promise verse. Make me eligible for this promise to be fulfilled in me. Lord, shine your light upon me and let your best character shine from me. Lord, let good works shine from me. Help me to do great and mighty things for you Lord. Let this light bring me knowledge and wisdom to do things that will amaze the people. Let it draw people, who do not know you, towards you. Let kings be drawn to the attention of this light. Make me an instrument to build your kingdom and may I bring glory to your name.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.