The Transformational Power of God’s Spirit – Samuel Dhinakaran

My friend, it brings me great joy to share today’s blessing with you. I know you are eager to receive it and be nourished by Jesus. Our promise word today comes from Isaiah 32:15, which states that “The Spirit is poured out on us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field.”

Today, God is pouring His Spirit upon you. It is dripping upon your head and overflowing all around you. And as the Spirit of God fills you, your desert becomes a fertile field. This process begins in your heart first. If your heart is empty, always wanting more, never satisfied with what this world has to offer, or always plagued by jealousy and frustration, then know that such a desert-filled heart can become fertile like good soil. It can be farmed and produce much fruit through the Spirit of God filling that heart. 

The Spirit of God will first fill your heart and pour out His love upon you like waters. You will feel enriched and full, and then the Spirit of the Lord will start guiding you. As it is written, “the Spirit of God came mightily upon David as the oil was poured upon him, and he was anointed.” From that day on, David’s purpose became clear, and the Spirit of God led him to become a king. He was given many opportunities and open doors, and his life became prosperous.

In the same way, the Lord Jesus said, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me to bring good news to the afflicted, to heal the broken-hearted.’ He fulfilled this promise with the power of the Spirit. God used His life to bring fruitfulness to the lives of many people, transforming them from deserts into fertile fields. May you also receive this precious Spirit of God and be blessed, just as Jesus did for us. Thank the Lord Jesus for this beautiful blessing.


Dear Lord, I thank You for promising to make my heart, life, and situations fertile, even when they feel like a desert. Holy Spirit, I welcome You into my heart and ask that You fill me from top to bottom, just as You filled King David in the Bible. Let my cup overflow with Your anointing. You are the Living Waters, and I pray that You pour out Your waters on my desert-like heart and transform it with Your love, peace, and joy. I pray that the power of Your Spirit will break every bondage, sickness, and misery from my life so that I can be enriched and full in You. Lord, I pray that You will help me to walk in the Spirit always and be fruitful to those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.