Start Refreshed – Samuel Dhinakaran

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” (Jeremiah 31:25)
My friend today God is here to speak to you and give you His promise. Today’s promise word is taken from Jeremiah 31:25. God says, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Yes friend, today this is what God is going to do for you! You may be so weary that literally your head feels dizzy. Maybe you have taken many efforts regarding things in your life but they have not come to any success; or you started a business and faced many obstacles. Perhaps you are finding it difficult to get a job or rise up in your job. Chances are you are facing failures and troubles. Today, your dreams may seem shattered. The souls that you have been looking forward to reach have not come into your ministry.

You may be telling the Lord that you are very weary, feeling isolated and depressed with many negative thoughts running through your mind saying that your life has come to a standstill. Perhaps you are crying out to God saying that you are extremely weak. It is to you that God says ‘don’t worry my child. I will refresh you and satisfy you. Here is my stream for you to drink. Drink from it and feel refreshed.’

After refreshing you, God shows you way to make your life successful. Yes, it is through the Spirit of God. The Scripture says in John 16:13, “The Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth…. He will tell you what is yet to come.” What a blessing my friend! The Spirit of God is here to show you what is yet to come in your life. He will guide you into the path you should walk. He will teach you to organize the things in your life towards victory. He will form new and creative thoughts to make you rise up and shine in your life. Take my friend the refreshing that is coming from God. Say the following prayer with faith and see God working wonders in your life.

My loving heavenly Father, thank you for today’s promise word. It is true that I am exhausted and weary with trying to do things on my own. Thank you Lord you are going to refresh me and make me strong again. Holy Spirit, I ask for your wisdom and guidance in every aspect of my life so that I will fulfill God’s will. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.