Blessings of the upright – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.” (Psalm 112:2)
Dear friend, God’s promise to you today is from Psalm 112:2, “Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.” If you read the previous verse it says, “Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands.” Those who fear the Lord will be blessed and their children will be mighty in the land. Their generations will be blessed. Who is an upright person? A person who does the will of God is an upright person. A person who does not lust for the things of the world but who waits for God’s blessings to be poured into his/her life is an upright person.

A person who is able to sacrifice every pleasure the world may offer, who patiently goes through suffering which is unjust but yet waits for God’s chastening to be transformed into the image of God, a person who is just like Jesus forgiving those who hurt him/her, a person who waits for miracles from God for multiplication of blessings in one’s life waiting until the last moment of need such an upright person will have his/her children blessed. Sometimes the person who is upright might not enjoy all the blessings and the fruits but the blessing comes upon their children.
The children may not even ask, seek or strive or work hard for the blessings but blessings will be poured on the children because of the covenant made with the upright parents. So the covenant will stay with them and increase the blessings in their life. Your uprightness will be a blessing for the coming generations. Your children shall be blessed and they shall increase with blessings. According to Psalm 112:3, “Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever.” Yes, blessings of health and wealth will abide in the lives of your children. So be of good cheer.
Loving Father,

Fulfill this promise. Bless my children. Give me and my children a godly nature. Help me to be patient and to wait for Your blessings. Help me to live like You forgiving those who hurt me. Let my family and my generations’ wealth and righteousness endure forever.

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.