The unfathomable love of Christ – Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran

Hello, my dear friend! Today marks the beginning of a new month, and it’s a special day because the Lord has promised us something amazing from Psalm 103:11. The verse says, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love towards those who fear Him.” This is a beautiful reminder that God loves you more than you can ever imagine, and He wants you to remember it today and always.

Today, you might be a lonely person; you might not have anyone to turn to in this world. However, the Lord promises that He loves you more than even your mother or father could. How blessed are we to be loved by the creator of the universe! Despite having created so many things in this world, the Lord still loves us. 

Let us read Psalm 103:12, the next verse: “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”  If you are feeling guilty about a sin that you committed some long time ago, maybe 5 or 6 years ago, and you might be wondering, “Will the Lord love me still?” But the Lord says to you that He has forgotten all your sins. When we confess our sins to the Lord, He doesn’t remember them anymore. Sometimes, as parents, we tell our children, “See, I told you don’t do this; that’s why you have got into this trouble.” But even those words the Lord doesn’t tell us. When you confess your sins to Him, He no longer remembers them. He loves you so much.

Today, if you have any unconfessed sin in your life, pray for forgiveness from your heavenly Father. He is waiting to hear from you, and He loves you dearly. 


Dear Father, I am grateful for Your constant reminder of Your faithful love towards me. I humbly confess all my sins and shortcomings to You, with the belief that You will purify me of all my unrighteousness and discard my sins as far as the East is from the West, never to remember them again. Thank You, Lord, for assuring me that You have not only forgiven my sins but have also forgotten them because of Your unconditional love for me. I pray that You will guide me to live my life in reverence before You and bring honour and glory to Your holy name. Thank You, Lord, for freeing me from all guilt and loneliness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.