Cast Your Worries On Jesus – Sis. Stella Ramola

My dear friend, it’s a joy to greet you. Today we are meditating on the promise verse which is in I Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” Accordingly, today cast all your anxieties, burdens and worries upon the Lord because He cares for you so much that He will wipe away all your tears. 

In the Bible, the life of the Apostle Paul is the best example of having supernatural strength amidst trials. When he wrote his great letter of encouragement to the Philippians, he was not in a very great situation. He was imprisoned in Rome, was left to suffer in hunger and was tortured and beaten up. He was very much wounded when he wrote Philippians. Even in this terrible situation, Paul says in Philippians 4:4-7, “Rejoice in the Lord always… The Lord is near…Do not be anxious about anything, but give every situation to God and He will give you His peace which transcends all understanding.” What a speech, my friend! It is filled with hope, joy and peace! In such a situation, can you even imagine yourself speaking like this? My friend, Paul knew to give everything to God and guard his heart with the peace and joy that came from God. 

Today, are you saying, “I have so much of a burden for my family? Or are you constantly worried about your studies or business or career? Perhaps, you are anxious about your financial situation. Whatever stress you are going through right now, the Lord wants you to cast all your burdens, worries and anxiety upon Him. He will carry them for you and will care for you just the way you need to be cared for. He will give you His peace and joy which you will never be able to get anywhere in this world. He will set everything right in your life. So, be of good cheer! 


Loving Lord, thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. Even now, I am laying all my worries, burdens and anxiety at Your feet. Lord, as You have promised me today, please take care of every burden that is troubling my heart. I cannot carry them all alone. Your word says that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. Lord, please lighten my burdens. Calm my anxious heart with Your peace and give me a peaceful spirit. Help me to rest well and be healthy. Make everything right in my life and bless me. Thank You, Lord, for being my hope, my peace and my joy always. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.