Trust In The Lord – Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

“Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” (Psalm 62:8)Beloved, do not focus at the dismal clouds that is surrounding you. Trust in the strength of humans, would fail you most of the times. Bible affirms, Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 62:8).  So, bring whatever is pressing your heart to His presence.

There was a widow who had no one to help her and at she also had huge debts to clear.  At this stage, she thought whether to “live or die.” On the other side, she thought, “O, many say Jesus Christ helps people! Why can’t I pour out my heart to Him?” As she was wondering about what to do next, with great anxiety she attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer meeting that was held near her place. During prayer time, the man of God who preached on that day, pointed towards her, revealed the colour of the sari she was wearing and revealed the problems she was facing and said, “The Lord is coming with you today. He will solve all your debt problems in a miraculous way. As you have poured out your heart with tears in His presence, surely He will give you shelter and save you.” After two years, the staff from ‘Jesus Calls’ called her over phone and asked her, “Madam, how are you now?” She said, “Just as the man of God had predicted on that day, the Lord has blessed me immeasurably. Now I have no complaints at all.”

What a wonderful and caring God we serve!  When there is a great God who cares for you, you need not be burdened.  Open your heart to Him even now.  Be filled with His peace. Jesus loves you and He would never allow you to sink in your problem.  He will send His favour on you.  Yes! The Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you (Deuteronomy 30:3).

Prayer:Dear Father,

I do not have anyone to whom I can confide my problems.  There is none to care for me.  My problems and burdens are beyond human comprehension.  I believe that You who opened a way in the Red Sea, will help me in the situation that I am facing.  I believe that You will provide my daily manna and bless me.  Forgive me for my wrong choices. I come back to You.  Restore me and fill me with Your goodness.  In Jesus’  name I pray, Amen.