Tender Care Of The Lord – Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7)There might be so many things disturbing your peace and you might go through sleepless nights. However, remember that ‘worry’ is a big shadow of small things. Be not anxious over anything for God is control of your life situations. For this reason, He says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).  So, stop worrying and look up to Jesus in prayer. He is a prayer answering God.

In Minnesota, during the summer of 1876, there was a swarm of grasshoppers destroying the crops. There was a fear that the grasshoppers would return. Therefore, Governor John S. Pillsbury proclaimed a day of prayer and fasting on April 26, 1877, urging every man, woman and child to petition for God’s protection. When the appointed day arrived, schools and businesses remained closed and people prayed for a divine intervention. The next day began a series of days that were unseasonably warm. It was more like summer than spring. The three days of warm weather triggered the hatching of the grasshopper larvae. People wondered why God had not responded to their prayer and fasting. However, the fourth day brought a sudden dip in temperature. The entire state of Minnesota was under a snowstorm, which made all the grasshoppers fly away.

God’s wise way of replying the prayers amazes anyone. Whether it is a prayer from a king or a child, the Creator of the heaven and the earth is delighted in answering every petition.  So, why are you clinging on to your problems still? Do not stagger under the heavy load of demands.  Divine destination for your worries is Jesus. A promising verse from the scripture says, Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken” (Psalm 55:22). Is your heart ready to lay your cares on the Lord? Wipe away every discomfort and unpleasant situations in your life, through God’s tender care. He loves you and is with you always (Matthew 28:20).

Prayer:Dear Father in heaven,

I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. Help me to unwind my problems at Your presence. Your glory fills the whole earth. May it fill my spirit and mind now. I command the worry to loosen its grip over me in Jesus’ name. You are my provider. Even before I ask You, You are aware of all my needs. Lord, I cast all my needs, fears and doubts at Your feet. Give me the grace to wait with hope, faith and patience until I see the answer. I know You will bless me with blessings accompanied with peace. 


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