Guiding Eyes of God – Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8)Our loving Lord Jesus expects us to wait at His feet and meditate on His word to get His guidance. Yes, there is wisdom in God’s word and you will find His joy and peace, which abides with you forever.  Beloved, you have the “Great Instructor” who is constantly watching to show you His wonderful ways.  Lean on Him and enjoy His kindness and goodness. A family of husband, wife and children loved the Lord dearly and lived happily. There was no quarrel or problem between them. Suddenly the news came that their mother-in-law was coming to stay with them. By nature, she was critical of the daughter-in-law and always used to find fault with her. On hearing this, the neighbours said, “All these days you were happy; but now your mother-in-law is coming…. You’ll be facing problems from now.” But the wife looked up to the Lord with fasting and prayed earnestly, “Lord, fill my mother-in-law with Your love. Change her to love You and our family; shower Your blessings upon our family through her….” The mother-in-law arrived. She began to talk harshly towards the daughter-in-law. Not minding it, the daughter-in-law bore everything patiently. Days passed! When her mother-in-law suffered with physical ailments, the daughter-in-law took care of her lovingly. On seeing this, the mother-in-law was moved in her heart and she said, “Oh, how I’ve tortured her but still she is patient and lovingly cares for me….” So saying, she repented for her faults and began to love the daughter-in-law. After that peace, oneness of mind and unity overflowed in that family. God Almighty says, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).  Yes, nothing is impossible for the Lord.  Whatever may be the problem in your family, depend on His wisdom and counsel. He is the best Counselor who resides within you to lead you in peaceful paths.  Cling on to the Lord firmly leaving human wisdom. God says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8) Accordingly, He will teach you and lead you in the right path. He will grant you His divine peace.

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