Amazingly Beautiful Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14)Irrespective of age, millions of people have misgivings about their appearance.  Everyone wishes to be beautiful comparatively.  Even the celebrities around the world have felt unattractive at times. People have problems with their warts, missing teeth, extended ears, squint eyes, fat body, etc.  Be not swayed by the opinions of others about who you are.  Look at the Word of God, your perfect mirror which shows the ‘real you’.  It has the power to give the best touch to your internal beauty and external beauty!The Treasury of National Jewels (Tehran, Iran) houses ancient jewels encrusted with precious gems, gold and diamonds.  Once I had an opportunity to visit this place.  A walk into that museum made my mind spin at the breath-taking display of crowns, candle-stands, brooches, belts studded with costly gems and diamonds.  I observed a specific diamond which was very big in size guarded by many security officers. Being curious, I asked, “What is special about this diamond?”  The travel guide explained, “It looks green from one angle, blue in another angle, in another angle it looks like orange coloured rays and it costs 33 Crores!”  Yes, anyone would drown in the splendour of that sea of spectacular collection.  Amidst all these magnetic beauty, do you know whom does God consider as flawless beauty? Yes, it is “You.”  You are a special diamond and flawless ruby in His eyes!  Beloved, if you get enthralled by the beauty of mere diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires, you have not known your worth yet! When the Creator sees you, He sings, “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you” (Song of Songs 4:7).  Believe that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and relax in the presence of the heavenly Father to feel beautiful all over.  


The Jesus Calls Ministry is ecstatic to announce it’s ‘World Prayer Convention’ and the ‘Holy Land Tour’ in Jerusalem, Israel from 22nd to 24th of May 2018! We welcome you to be a part of this illustrious event along with your family and friends. A once in a life time opportunity to walk where Jesus walked. Visit historical sites like Bethany where Jesus resurrected Lazarus, Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsamane and many more! The inception of the event was led by the Lord to pray for the peace of Israel and to declare the Prophetic word of God to all Nations. Renowned leaders from around the globe, including Pastor Benny Hinn, will be joining Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for the peace of Israel and to declare the Word of The Lord to the nations.

Serving as a beacon of hope and as a lighthouse to millions, our Telephone Prayer Towers, will continue to serve 24×7, 365 days of the year and hope to reach 50 Lakhs of people through prayer. We also produce thousands of Prayer Ministers through our Prayer Academy and Training programs. Focused thrust in the Digital Media arena through Website, Facebook, Twitter, Mobile App, etc. is bound to touch more than 10 million people especially the youth. 

This year, we are set to reach more than 5,00,000 families and 2,000,000 readers through our magazine across the globe in 7 + languages. We aim to carry the right word with God’s power to bring healing and deliverance for those in need. Our prayer intercessors are dedicated to counsel and intercede with burden for all, irrespective of their culture or background in all our 100+ Prayer Towers around the world, 365 days a year. We are getting ready to impact millions through our mega prayer festivals and special blessing meetings across India throughout the year where the power of God is manifested in the form of the sick receiving healing, people receiving answers and the lost finding their purpose of life in Christ. We are set to touch the lives of more than 10 million people through our Television Programs broadcasted over 20 networks and in 10+ languages every day and so on.

Yes! My precious partners, our vision is “NO SOUL IS TO BE LOST”. 
As you stood with us in the past, would you please continue to partner with us by:

Praying for this vision,
Promoting this vision to your beloved ones by enrolling them in blessing plans
Provide for the financial needs to reach out to the millions.

I urge you to prayerfully consider making a continuous investment in this great mission of caring and praying for souls. You can:

Pledge an amount for the year and donate every month (OR)
Pledge a day’s salary or a day’s income of your business each month (OR)
Sow one-tenth or more of your monthly income into this ministry of hope to millions (OR)
Sow whatever amount God puts in your heart (and) Introduce this ministry to your friends to receive prayers and enroll in a blessing plan.

In John 6:1-15 a little boy’s heartfelt offering of five loaves and two fishes of bread was used by the Lord to feed thousands. Even the disciples questioned this boy’s generous offering. I say generous because he gave to the Lord wholeheartedly and the Lord multiplied this small offering miraculously to feed thousands.  

My dear friend, do not look at your limitations or at your capacity to give. But look to Jesus as you give for the expansion of His Kingdom and He will multiply your giving according to the need seeing your gracious heart. His word promises in Luke 6:38 “Give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.” Partner with us in this New Year, 2018 to spread the love of Christ and to prepare the world for His second coming.

Be the reason for a change; transform lives; turn the sorrows into joy – by proclaiming about Christ our Lord!