Bethesda Prayer Centre
Bethesda Prayer Centre is one of the most inspiring prayer centres in the world. It attracts numerous visitors from various parts of the globe for its authentic spiritual ambience and outstanding natural surroundings. People come here for spiritual regeneration and to experience God’s healing power in their soul, mind and body.
Bethesda Prayer Centre has been raised to be a blessing to multitudes. The vision of the Bethesda Prayer Centre is to enable all those who travail in body, mind and spirit to receive a healing touch from the Lord. Its mission is to provide the most peaceful atmosphere for prayer and meditation with Christ’s love and compassion.

- Entrance
After the parking lot and the children’s park is the Reception through which you enter the Bethesda Prayer Centre. The Reception building also houses the Book Stall and the Administrative Office.
- Pleasant Pathway
As you enter the portals of the Prayer Centre, you will witness a pleasant pathway. With its well-maintained gardens on both sides, the pathway is equipped with special sound and light presentation. Prominent display of scripture verses along the pathway build up the visitors’ faith.
- Enchanting Cascade
Then you reach the enchanting cascade, which faces the main Prayer Hall.
- Bethesda Prayer Dome
The Bethesda Prayer Dome comprises the central prayer hall and two rooms for counselling. The entire hall is wall-to-wall carpeted to be conducive for prayer. A Cross at the centre reminds of the Lord Jesus bearing on the Cross all our sins, bodily ailments, weaknesses, sufferings and sorrows. Prayer Intercessors are available for your prayer support at the Prayer Hall. They anoint people with oil and pray for them with burden for God’s miracle.
- Stations of the Cross
On coming out of the Prayer Dome, you can take a walk around the Seven Stations of the Cross. Each station portrays the various stages of the final suffering Jesus faced before his crucifixion and also represents His glorious resurrection on the Third Day.
- Vision Site
Then “Vision Site” signifies the very place a former security guard beheld the vision of Christ during the Centre’s construction.
- Bethesda Pool
The Bethesda Pool (a replica of the Biblical pool in Jerusalem) is neatly laid to signify the healing power of Jesus Christ and His concern for the physically sick. We read about in the following verses in the Gospel of St. John:
“Sometime later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” “Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.” (John 5: 1-8)
It is to impress such healing power and compassion of Christ, which is true even today that a similar pool has been constructed here. During Bible times, an Angel of the Lord would go down the Pool of Bethesda and stir the water (John 5:4). The one who first stepped into the water that had been stirred would be healed, however severe his or her disease might be. To bring to remembrance that healing power of God, an angelic-being has been portrayed in the middle of the pool. We firmly believe that accordingly, even while you meditate and pray here, the Lord’s healing power, rising like a river from His Divine presence will fill your hearts and heal you of all your diseases, weaknesses and ailments.
- Porches
There are 5 porches around the Bethesda Pool for those who desire to meditate and pray. On top of every porch is a representation of a dove symbolising the Holy Spirit. We trust that even as you meditate and pray, the Holy Spirit will descend and fill you.
- Chairs
Comfortable chairs have been spread for you to sit and relish the lovely scenes around.
- Book Stall
As you walk back, you can also drop into our Book Stall at the Reception for picking up the latest releases of audio, video, books prayerfully produced by the Dhinakarans and other memorabilia. You can also enrol yourself or your dear ones in any of the Jesus Calls Blessing Plans. Our Prayer Intercessors will be more than happy to assist you in doing so, besides praying for your needs with anointed oil.
24 Hours Prayer Tower
Bethesda also houses a 24 hours Telephone Prayer Tower facility, where Prayer Intercessors offer prayers for the people in prayer need. This service is reachable via the following phone numbers: +91 (422) 2614333 / 2615515 / 2614580.
How to Reach?
Bethesda Prayer Centre is located 25 kilometres away from the city of Coimbatore in southern India. It is set amidst the scenic splendour of the Western Ghats, a mountain range that runs parallel to the west coast of the Indian peninsula. One of the key features of these hills surrounding the Bethesda Prayer Centre is the famous Siruvani Waterfalls, which is 3.7 kms away. Besides, a gorgeous view of a number of green pastures and rivulets enable Bethesda’s visitors feel close to the handiwork of God as exclaimed in the Bible: “His (God’s) splendour covers the heavens, And the earth is full of His praise” (Habakkuk 3:3) Karunya University campus is adjacent to the Bethesda Prayer Centre.
- Nearest Airport : Coimbatore (35 kms)
- Nearest Railway Station : Coimbatore Junction (25 kms)
- Buses from Coimbatore : Siruvani, 59, Sadivayal
- Important Bus Terminuses : Gandhipuram, Town Hall, Railway Station
Nearby Attractions
The Siruvani Waterfalls or Kovai Kutralam, located amidst dense reserve forest area, is 3 kms from Bethesda Prayer Centre, is a popular tourist attraction nearby.
Food & Dining
For the benefit of the visitors, a full-fledged restaurant operates near the Bethesda Prayer Centre serving hygienic and nutritious food options.
Accommodation & Booking
The Karunya Guest House, situated opposite to the Bethesda Prayer Centre, provides clean and comfortable accommodation facilities at reasonable costs.
- Facilities
- Elegantly furnished 96 A/c Rooms and 27 non A/c rooms are available in Suite, Semi-Deluxe and Deluxe categories.
- Facilities include Wi-Fi connectivity, Intercom facility and Car Parking.
- Dormitories
Dormitories are also available at a very nominal cost for outstation visitors.
- Phone Booking:
- To book your accommodation, please contact: The Manager – Karunya Guest House, Phone: +91 (422) 2614790 / 2614791
- Online Booking:
You can also book your accommodation online through the link:
Contact Details
For further information, please contact:
The Manager
Bethesda International Prayer Centre
Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore – 641 114
Tamilnadu, India
Telephone: +91 (422) 33999000