Righteousness Is The Way Of Life

Righteousness Is The Way Of Life

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

“In righteousness you shall be established”. (Isaiah 54:14)

A man becomes new, created according to God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24) when he is sanctified from a life of wrath, from sin and bondage by the grace of the Lord and receives the redemption given by Jesus Christ. Daniel and his friends were young Israelites when they were taken to Babylon as captives. Yet, they did not worship other gods but were very firm in their faith in the Lord and excelled as heroes of faith and as great witnesses for God. See how they became great and were exalted because of such indomitable faith.

A student who was studying in a college was the only son to his parents. His father with his low income, educated him with great difficulty. But this young man did not attend the classes and joined his friends and wasted his time in watching movies and in seeking other pleasures. Consequently, he faced failure after failure in his studies. At this juncture, the Lord transformed him through His divine love. He received a new life and understood the true love of his parents. Thereafter, he worked very hard and studied his lessons and with the help of the Lord, passed his examinations and received his degree too. He stood firm in proclaiming the love of God to people like him who were ignorant of God’s love. He shone as a star before a large number of people and the Lord who saw his steadfast faith and zeal, gave him a good job and a loving life partner. He exalted him more and more in all walks of his life.


Do not follow the evil ways of this world but walk firmly in the righteous ways that are pleasing to the Lord and receive His abundant blessings. If you have been leading an upright life, then continue to do so. Do not lose hope because of the momentary afflictions you face. God promises those who are afflicted, tossed, and not comforted will find protection and security in Him. As said in 1 Peter 3:12 “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers”. So, trust in the Lord and believe in His promises.

O Precious God! Lead me in righteous ways and help me to walk in it with steadfast faith. Give me the grace to receive Your abundant blessings. Let not the hardships in life, hinder me in leading an upright life.

 In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen