Loving Greetings!
You are a blessing to millions around the world. Your support helps us take the message of love & compassion to the hurting. I, along with the entire family of Jesus Calls, karunya & Seesha give thanks to our Lord.
As I write this letter, I am reminded to share from Romans 21:15
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”
You stand with us in rejoicing every victory we achieve towards GOD given vision. You mourned with us for the hurting and needy. You found ways to support us bring comfort to the millions.
Today, the Lord Jesus Christ assures you. He has not forgotten every good deed you have done to the poor (Acts 10:31) and has heard all the cries of your heart (Ps 34: 17).
He we will answer all your prayers and make you His treasured possession(Deut 1:31). and He promises to dwell among you (Zech 2:10).
He commands His angels to guard you and protect you always (Ps 91:11). You will be satisfied with long life (Ps 91:16), and you will stay young and strong like an eagle (Ps 103:5).
I am praying for this grace upon you and every partner of the ministry this month forth. Amen.
Last month the Lord used us to bring blessing to thousands of precious souls in India, Kuwait and Israel.
In Kuwait the Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to the people gathered on all the three nights. Each one testified about the touch of God in their life.
At the World Prayer Convention in Israel. Our Lord used Evangeline and I, to bring blessing to all the delegates different parts of the world.
In the convention we shared about the importance of praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Prophecy for our nation and leaders. And how we can prepare the nations of the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Through SEESHA we were able to be a bless people in need. With your support we gave material support to people affected by the GAJA cyclone in the southern part of India. and people affected by FANI cyclone in the Odisha region of North India.
You will proud to read the experience of Mr. Srinivasan. He is one of the many beneficiaries of SEEHSA centre for well-being.
Mr. Srinivasan, developed Schizophrenia in his early years. He married in his 20s, hoping marriage will remedy his problem.
But, his condition worsened. he started wandering aimlessly, eating from the trash and was beset with hallucinations. He started speaking to himself and lacked personal hygiene. He arrived at
the SEESHA Rehabilitation home, along with the medications.
At the centre he received physical training. Supplemented with neuro-psychological training sessions to improve his mental capacity. He also received regular personal counselling sessions with the Psychiatric social worker.
After a year of treatment, he is now able to communicate. He is more socially expressive and has started working part-time. His family is greatly relieved and happy to see his condition improving. They witness a glimpse of hope for his life.
Like Srinivasan we bring hope and comfort many hurting from difficult medical conditions. Please extend your support to this mission.
Evangeline and I, along with our daughter Stella Ramola will minister at Dallas Prayer Tower on Friday, June 21st. if you live in the Dallas area we would love to Praise, Worship and pray along with you.
please do not hesitate to call the Prayer Tower +442085714900. Always there is an anointed prayer intercessor waiting to pray for you.
Your loving brother in Christ,
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

World Prayer Convention

World Prayer Convention

World Prayer Convention

World Prayer Convention

World Prayer Convention

World Prayer Convention